Managed by the Andorran Comic, Illustration and Animation Association, the La Massana Còmic – Joan Pieras Museum seeks to preserve and promote its important graphic and bibliographic collection, and also organizes temporary exhibitions, workshops and activities relating to the world of comic books, illustration and animation. Joies literàries (“literary jewels”), by the great illustrator Antonio Bernal, was its first exhibition, followed by many others by Alfonso Font, Ana Miralles, Jan, Joan Mundet, Carlos Ezquerra, Jordi Planellas and Paco Roca, among others. Since 2019, the museum has an area to consult the bibliographic collection, which is made of more than a thousand comic books from all genres and periods, VHS and DVD films and movie art books. The bibliographic collection can be consulted on the Andorran national library website.


Click here to visit the website of the La Massana Còmic – Joan Pieras Museum

Plaça de les Fontetes

AD400 La Massana


Més detalls

Tel.: (+376) 838 919 / 736 900

Facebook: Museu La Massana Còmic

Twitter i Instagram: @lamassanacomic

Tuesday to Thursday: 10 a.m to 2 p.m

Friday to Saturday: 10 a.m to 2 p.m and 3p.m to 7p.m

Sunday and Monday: closed

Free admission.



The museum is adapted for people with limited mobility.

Bibliographic collection consulting room.

Film projection room.

Permanent exhibition.

Temporary exhibitions.

Comic book-related workshops and activities.