The house is located in la Cortinada (Ordino), next to the road that goes from the Vilar bridge to the Sobirà bridge. Cal Pal was part of a group of properties owned by the Escoter inn and donated in 1435 to Joan Pal d’Ordino by Bernat Escoter, vicar of la Massana, and his mother Raimunda Escotera.

The house was managed by the Pal family during the late middle ages and the early modern age until they joined with Casa Teixidó from Sispony through marriage, although the name of Cal Pal has always been kept. Anton “Tonillo” Torres Armengol, known as “el Pal”, was the last inhabitant of the house; after his death in 1956 with no descendants, the house was sold to Serafí Reig Ribó in 1962 by el Pal’s siblings, who lived in France.

Cal Pal is one of the most representative constructions of Andorran vernacular architecture, and many enlargements have been documented in the 16th and 19th centuries, when a third annex body was added, as well as the dovecot and two covered galleries. The building was restored by its owners and was opened as a sociocultural space in October 2018. Cal Pal houses temporary exhibitions, the first of which has been “Primera pedra” (“First stone”) by Jordi Fulla (1967-2019), dedicated to dry stone.

Click here to visit the website of Cal Pal de la Cortinada

Carrer de Pal, 1

La Cortinada

AD300 Ordino

Més detalls

Tel.: (+376) 338 096

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @calpalandorra

September to June: Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

July 1st to September 7th: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Closed on Sunday afternoon and Monday.


Guided tours with previous reservation: (+376) 338 096 /

Please consult the opening hours at

Guided tours at peak times. It is preferable to make a reservation in advance.

Morning: last visit at 1 p.m., afternoon at 6 p.m.


General admission for adults: 3€

Reduced ticket: 1,5€ for over 65, groups of a maximum of 10 people, holders of the student card and the Pass Museum.

Free admission: children under 10 years old, holders of the youth card,  handicapped, the unemployed, holders of the ICOMOS card.


Admission to Cal Pal will be free on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month for residents of the country.

The house is not adapted for people with limited mobility.


Guided tours in Catalan, Spanish, French and English; a previous reservation is required.


WC (unusable while the COVID-19 pandemic lasts).