Sant Miquel d’Engolasters is a Lombard Romanesque church built in the 12th century and consists of a small rectangular nave, a semi-circular apse and a tall bell tower. In fact, the most distinctive features of this temple are its architectural simplicity and the disproportion between the nave and its bell tower (which is 17.5 metres high). Sant Miquel contains a reproduction of the 12th- century Romanesque mural paintings attributed to the Master of Santa Coloma, which are preserved at the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC).

Carretera d’Engolasters (CS-200)

AD700 Escaldes-Engordany


Més detalls

Booking Central

Tel.: (+376) 839 760


Tuesday to Saturday from 10h to 14h and 15h to 18h, Sunday from 10h to 14h.

Closed on Sunday afternoon and Monday.


Free admission.

The church is not adapted for people with limited mobility.

Free guided tours.

L2 Encamp / L4 Pas de la Casa / LC Circular + 4 km to the church

Cruïlla d’Engolasters bus stop.


A local bus to the lake of Engolasters is made available during summer season by the Comú of Escaldes-Engordany.