Originally a Romanesque temple, it was modified many times during the 17th and 20th centuries. The bell tower was added during the second half of the 11th century and is the highest Lombard Romanesque bell tower in the country. A wrought iron cross atop a pumice pedestal lies atop the roof. The church of Santa Eulàlia has the oldest porch in the Principality, as well as one of the few conjuratories still standing in the country.

Carrer Mossèn Ermengol

Carretera de Vila i Beixalís, 1

AD200 Encamp

Més detalls

Encamp Tourist Office

Plaça del Consell, 1

AD200 Encamp

Tel.: (+376) 731 000



Please consult opening hours at Casa Cristo: tel.: (+376) 833 551 / casacristo@encamp.ad

Free admission.

The church is adapted for people with limited mobility.

Guided tours with a previous reservation.

L2 Encamp.